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New Logo for Hot Springs
Date : 2008.03.28 Read : 7111
Looking for a spa or a hot spring? There is going to be a new emblem for hot springs to be used nationwide. The old symbol for the hot spring had been in use for more than 100 years and shared by other facilities as well, such as the public bath or lodging houses. Now the new emblem is to be used exclusively for natural hot spring. If violated, there are penalties of prison sentence for 2 years maximum or fine up to 10 million Korean Won (10,000 USD).

These measures are part of MOPAS' effort to revive the local tourism industry by upgrading the hot spring services. MOPAS is also planning to revise legislations related to developing new hot springs. It will shorten the time period which used to take 5 ~ 10 years to 2~3 years to open a hot spring facility.

Starting from later half of this year, "Healing Hot Springs Programs" will be launched. The healing hot springs are for the purpose of cure and treatment, differentiated from common public bath facilities.

- Living Space Improvement Division
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