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Korea fosters e-government cooperation with Peru and Paraguay
Date : 2018.06.04 Read : 17327
The Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS, Minister Kim Boo-kyum) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA, Minister Kang Kyung-wah) dispatched a joint e-government delegation (headed by Director General for Infrastructure and Information Protection Policy Bureau, MOIS) to Peru and Paraguay from May 28 to June 1.

The e-government delegation hosted 9 meetings in Lima, Peru and Asuncion, Paraguay including the Korea-Peru e-Government Seminar, high-level meeting with relevant division under the Peruvian Prime Minister’s Office, e-Government Joint Cooperation Forum and Expert Meetings.

On May 28, the Korea-Peru e-Government Seminar was held at the National Authority for Civil Service (SERVIR), which was attended by approximately 120 senior officials from the Peruvian government including Executive President Juan Carlos Cortes.

At the seminar, the Korean delegation shared various policies and systems related to e-government such as 1) Achievements and future direction of Korean e-government (MOIS); 2) Transparent online e-Procurement system (Korea Procurement Service); 3) Statistical data for establishing objective government policies (Statistics Korea); 4) Cutting-edge technology-based forest management (Korea Forest Service); and 5) National cyber security system for safe public service (MOIS, KISA).

At the high-level meeting, the delegation had an in-depth discussion on Korea-Peru e-government cooperation activities with their counterparts including Secretary Marushka Chocobar of Digital Government and public officials. The discussion covered wide-ranging issues such as Enterprise Architecture (EA), ICT-based regional development project and Smart City.

In addition, the delegation had a meeting with the city of San Isidro where the Smart Safe City project will be conducted. Through the Korea-Peru e-Government Cooperation Center, Korea will provide continuous support to San Isidro’s Smart Safe City project.

In addition, the delegation had a meeting with the city of San Isidro where the Smart Safe City project will be conducted. Through the Korea-Peru e-Government Cooperation Center, Korea will provide continuous support to San Isidro’s Smart Safe City project.

The Latin America e-Government Cooperation Caravan is a joint project between MOIS and MOFA with an aim to gain a foothold in exporting Korea’s e-government to Latin American countries. On May 29, the e-Government & Smart City Forum, aimed at supporting the Smart City Project which has been carried out by the Peruvian central and local governments since 2017, was held in Lima, Peru, with about 120 participants from relevant government agencies. On June 1, the Korea-Paraguay e-Government Cooperation Forum was held in Asuncion, Paraguay as follow-ups to the signing of MOU on e-Government Cooperation between Korea and Paraguay in September 2017.

Director General Kim Hye-young for Infrastructure and Information Protection Policy commented that “the dispatch of joint e-government delegation to Peru and Paraguay served as a valuable opportunity to bolster e-Government cooperation with Latin American countries that have raised increasing requests and demands for e-government cooperation.” “I hope Korea’s advanced e-government system will spread to Latin America through the seminars and forums,” Director General Kim added.
