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홍보영상 A video on the successful cases of local green growth movement

  • The refreshing wind of green growth is sweeping across the world.

    Green energy is gradually replacing conventional fuels.

    Countries across the globe continue to exert their best efforts to achieve a sustainable future and contribute to green growth.

    Investing in the future, finding solutions for the future...

    The world is striving for sustainable growth to shape a brighter tomorrow.

    Korea took its first step with President Lee Myung Bak's Declaration of Green Growth and the launch of the Presidential Committee on Green Growth.

    One Million Green Homes to reduce CO2 emissions at home, the selection of first cities to distribute green cars, and the yearly cutdown of 10 billion KRW by shortening flight profiles are some examples of the nation' s effort for low-carbon green growth.

    Local government bodies are proposing lifestyle altering ideas for each local community and developing green technologies.

    Green growth can be achieved only when each individual realizes the importance of staying eco-friendly and takes necessary action.

    "Green Coordi" was launched in 2009 by Songpa-gu of Seoul to analyze each household's lifestyle pattern and propose energy-saving methods accordingly.

    To encourage more citizens to participate, the city of Siheung, Gyeonggi-do is building a photovoltaic power plant with funding from citizens. This plant, with power capacity of 30Kw, will be reducing 17,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually.

    Green technologies are rapidly changing the mindset and lifestyle of citizens.

    Daegu, the solar city-Daegu is building photovoltaic power plants and solar-powered houses, utilizing its climatic conditions.

    Also, the Solar Tower, a 200-kw-capacity solar power generation system combining solar power and wind power generation, is leading renewable energy production.

    Waste heat can also be a renewable energy source.

    Incheon collects waste heat through Cheongna and Songdo Resource and Environment Centers and sells it for electricity generation purposes.

    Incheon recorded 3 billion KRW of non-tax revenue in 2010 through the sales.

    Pohang, in cooperation with private companies, is collecting waste heat of steel mills and supplying waste heat energy to homes and facilities.

    Energy consumption is reduced by 100 billion KRW every year.

    Smart Grid optimizes energy efficiency through information exchanges between suppliers and consumers.

    Jeju-do, equipped with rich knowhow and natural resources such as wind, sunlight and tides, is planning to apply Smart Grid across the entire island.

    Jeollanam-do transformed Suncheonman, the world' s top five coastal wetland, into a destination of ecotourism, and is protecting the mudflats boasting the productivity nine times higher than dry land.

    Other local government bodies are also searching for new drives for low-carbon green growth suited for local communities.

    To help communities grow greener, MOPAS is providing tax benefits for energy-saving houses, and building more bike paths to promote the use of bikes.

    It is forming 300 green villages in Gongju, Chungnam and Pocheon, Gyeonggi, to open by 2012 under the Energy Self-Sufficient City Farm Building project.

    MOPAS shares success stories with different communities and seeks to support the movement for green growth with international organizations, thus encouraging local government bodies to engage in competition in good faith for a sustainable future.

    Join MOPAS in its effort to disseminate the refreshing wind of low-carbon green growth.
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