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유튜브 동영상을 시청하시려면 브라우저를 업데이트(크롬, 엣지, 파이어폭스, 오페라 등)를 하시기 바랍니다.
홍보영상 뽀로로와 함께하는 민원24 (영문)

  • Hi~
    pororo : Do you still visit the district office or community service center for transcripts/extracts of resident registration? Using the online Minwon24 web portal, you can comfortably conduct most civil affairs, anytime, anywhere

    petty: Now, let's take a look at the various services of the Minwon24 government web portal currently being offered.

    First, online e-Application and issuance services.
    This project aims to enhance the civil service. There are currently 5000 specific services offered so far; 3000 of these may be carried out entirely online using the Minwon24 web portal. Now, citizens can conduct most of their civil affairs from their home or workplace without interrupting their daily lives. Using the online civil service saves not only the time and money required to visit public offices, but also offers discounted processing fees for services such as transcripts/extracts of resident registration, and vehicle registration, among others : in total, for 82 types of service.

    pororo : Not only that, it is the one-stop service for daily affairs providing a one-stop resource for different registration needs that were previously distributed between several different offices. Minwon24 provides 20 types of all-in-one service, including: moving house, disabled welfare benefits, real estate, small-capital start-ups, basic living subsidies, programs for international families, and rural relocation support. Well, let's take a look at the relocation one-stop service currently being offered. If you utilize the relocation one-stop service, including address registration update, householder change update, utility rate discounts, and elementary school registration, and others, you'll have access to all kinds of useful information and resources needed for moving.

    petty: Third, let's take a look at using the mobile civil service with smart phones. Verifying ID card authenticity, checking issuance of transcripts/extracts of resident registration, checking receipt of the authentication certificate of one's personal seal; such useful services in daily life are included. Registered building data, land(woods and fields) register, checking housing prices; with your smart phone you can view necessary information for real estate transactions, anytime, anywhere.

    pororo: Fourth, we have enhanced public support for disabled people. Through the Disabled Widget Program, essential civil services may be conducted mord easily, such as news and job searches. You can check all types of day-to-day living information, and apply for electricity and TV license fee utility rate discounts. For civil services frequently used by foreigners living in Korea there are five foreign language services: English, Chinese, Japan, Vietnamese, and Thai.
    The one-stop service for international families are also provided.
    For those unfamiliar with computers, a remote PC control service is available. Simply apply for the service on Minwon24 and staff will call at a time specified by you and access your computer remotely to offer help.

    petty: Although the service is good and convenient isn't it useless without privacy protection and some sort of information security system? For citizens to safely use Minwon 24, the prevention of forgery and alterations, keyboard hacking, the encryption of personal information, and advanced security technologies have been applied. Consequently, it was the first administration website for citizens to obtain e-Government Information Security Management System (G-ISMS) certification. Specially, the security activities and network access control have been highlighted as and example of best practice. Therefore, Minwon 24 has proven its reliability and stability.

    Now, you know all the services provided by the Minwon24 web portal.

    pororo : Minwon 24 : much more versatile and convenient!

    pororo, pettry: Please, take advantage of this service!
    anytime, anywhere Minwon 24 http://www.minwon.go.kr Ministry of security and public adminstration
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본관 : 30112 세종특별자치시 도움6로 42(어진동) / 별관 : 30116 세종특별자치시 가름로 143(어진동)
정부민원안내콜센터 국번없이 110, 행정안전부 콜센터 02-2100-3399 (월~금 9:00~18:00, 공휴일 제외) / 팩스 044-204-8911
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