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홍보영상 주민등록제도 홍보영상(영문)

  • The Resident Registration System of Korea run by the government, records and manages information including addresses of residents within the jurisdiction. By checking information on the current place of residence, the system aims to improve administrative efficiency and make people’s lives more convenient.

    A 13-digit Resident Registration Number is issued to all residents of Korea upon the birth registration, and people over the age of 17 get a Resident Registration Card, which is used for identification.

    Since its introduction in 1962, the Resident Registration System has evolved to reflect social changes and the needs of the people. In the process, Korea has accumulated a wide range of information and experience in operating this system.

    By replacing the former paper-based registration cards with the nationwide information system, civil affairs can be handled in other areas outside one's residence, and the country's demographics can be collected every hour.

    Diverse civil services such as making a moving-in notification and issuing a copy of resident registration are now available via the Internet and mobile devices anytime, anywhere. Computerization of the system has enhanced administrative efficiency and saved costs, offering more convenience to the residents.

    Resident Registration Information is shared by diverse government agencies and works as the basis of administrative services. Accordingly, over their life cycles, residents of Korea are provided with customized services for education, elections, taxation, and welfare.

    Resident Registration Number is a unique identification number given to each individual. As a key value linked to the resident information, it plays a crucial role in building and running Korea’s e-Government.

    The system also contributes to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals and strengthening the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems of the World Bank.

    To respond to changing environment, the Korean government is making efforts to better protect personal information by implementing stronger encryption and security measures. A new system allows people to apply for a new Resident Registration Number when damages from data breaches occur.

    The Resident Registration System that makes people's lives much more convenient! We will continue to further improve the current system for higher operational efficiency and more diverse services.
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