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2009 KRILA International Conference
Date : 2009.08.24 Read : 8533
<b>“Future of Korean Local Autonomy : New Visions and Challenges”</b>
September 4, 2009
10:00 &#8211; 18:00
International Conference Hall
Korea Chamber of Commerce &amp;Industry (KCCI), Seoul

Over the 25 years, Korea Research Institute for Local Administration (KRILA) has faithfully served its role as a leading public think tank dedicated in the development of Korean local autonomy and decentralization.
This coming September, celebrating the 25th anniversary of establishment of KRILA, the 2009 KRILA International Conference will be held under the theme of “Future of Korean Local Autonomy: New Visions and Challenges.”
The goal of the Conference is to discuss on the ways:
&#8226; to enhance new local governance in response to the pending Re-establishment of Local Government Structure,
&#8226; to strengthen local competitiveness, and
&#8226; to critically reexamine the role of KRILA as a major government think tank and to explore a new model of Korean decentralization for the 21st century.
Major Paticipants
&#8226; Keynote Speech I: Mr. Toru Hashimoto, Governor of Osaka, Japan
&#8226; Keynote Speech II: Mr. Se-hoon Oh, Mayor of Seoul
&#8226; Session I Presentation: Professor Andy Gillespie, Newcastle University, UK
&#8226; Session II Presentation: Dr. Anwar Shah, World Bank
&#8226; Session III Presentation: Professor Il&nbsp; Ik-Sik Kim, Kyonggi University
&nbsp;Website will be updated shortly to provide details on the Conference program

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