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Introducton to OK Citizen Service
Date : 2009.09.22 Read : 9253
In the shade of life
Beautiful service for every Korean citizens.

Warmhearted resonating service for citizens
Trustworthy service, considering the hope of citizens valuable
Hard day, but happy day today.

Welcome to OK Citizen Service for 300,000 hopes and happiness.

We will help and support you in your daily lives.

Comprehensive national portal service
OK citizen service

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<table width="660" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="320"> <object id="ActiveMovie" width="320" height="309" classid="CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95" codebase="" standby="Loading Microsoft?Windows? Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject" style="FILTER:gray;"> <param name="FileName" value="mms://"> <param name="AutoStart" value="1"> <param name="AnimationAtStart" value="1"> <param name="DisplaySize" value="4"> <param name="EnableContextMenu" value="false"> <param name="EnablePositionControls" value="-1"> <param name="EnableFullScreenControls" value="1"> <param name="Mute" value="0"> <param name="ShowCaptioning" value="0"> <param name="ShowControls" value="1"> <param name="ShowAudioControls" value="-1"> <param name="ShowDisplay" value="0"> <param name="ShowGotoBar" value="0"> <param name="ShowPositionControls" value="-1"> <param name="ShowStatusBar" value="1"> <param name="ShowTracker" value="-1"> <param name="Volume" value="100"> <param name="SendMouseClickEvents" value="-1"> <param name="DisplaySize" value="0"> </object> </td> <td width="340"> <div style="width:330px;height:300px;overflow-y:scroll;padding:4px;"> Did you know...<br> that there are 300 thousand moments of happiness waiting for you?<br> Just like rays of light shining down on the world, the littlest things are combined to make real hope.<br> Nothing major has changed, but your life is much happier.<br> You are a valuable citizen of Korea. We will use our 300 thousand administration systems to bring hope and create a better life for you.<br> Life is great here at OK Life.<br> We will bring happiness to your life.<br> <br> Do you think the welfare system is complicated and difficult for vulnerable citizens? Not anymore. OK Life is always with you.<br> From children's education and health to senior citizen care!<br> Health, welfare, education, employment, residence, sports, culture, tourism and many other things of your life can be picked at your will among 300 thousands administrations to consult with us. Our administration system is custom made for you.<br> You life will be upgraded with us.<br> <br> Mr. O is preparing for his future by looking for a job with OK Life From the job training program to the employment program.<br> He is one step closer to his dream with a click of a mouse.<br> Mrs. K always worries about her mobile phone bills.<br> With a simple online application, her stress is gone, and she is now a happier person.<br> Cost discount benefits, qualification guide and applications, everything is one-stop away with OK Life.<br> That is why she is happier now.<br> Mr. L is planning for a picnic with his family.<br> His life is much richer with OK Life.<br> Culture vouchers offer you free performances. You can experience the suburbs and even make reservations through OK Life!<br> Did they do something special to rate these benefits?<br> OK Life offers more happiness for the benefit of all Korean citizens<br> You can still dream. Don't lose hope. These benefits are for everyone OK citizen services.<br> <br> You no longer have to get exhausted because of complicated processes and long lines.<br> Now you can enjoy the breezy service system of OK Life.<br> Advanced technology based on web2.0 and collaboration between self-governing, public, and civil organizations will provide you with consultations, qualification confirmation and result reports with no documents.<br> Faster More precise No hassle OK Citizen Services is here to take care of your problems.<br> Comfort is a part of your happiness. Come find comfort with OK Life.<br> <br> More laughter. Richer life.<br> The citizen support service project began in 2006.<br> We will communicate with you until the day the our country becomes the best welfare country in the world,<br> We will collaborate with the public and authorities<br> We will prioritize your comfort; we will take care of your problems faster. We will become an essential part of your life.<br> In order to make Korea a place where all citizens are happy, We will develop our system so that the citizens and authorities can advance together.<br> </div> </td> </tr> </table>
