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Toilet, to be a leading brand of Korea
Date : 2008.04.17 Read : 8064
Toilet, to be a leading brand of Korea
-MOPAS, to host the ceremony for advanced and globalized toilet-

□ Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS, Minister Won Sei-Hoon) is to host the proclamation ceremony for advanced and globalized toilet vision on April 16th (Wed) at the Gyeonggi Small & Medium Business Center in Suwon with presence of an estimated 300 participants including Mr. Won Sei-Hoon, minister of public administration and security, Mr. Sim Jaeduck, chairman of World Toilet Association, representatives of toilet-related businesses and civil officials from local governments.

○ For the advanced and globalized toilet to be made, MOPAS is going to actively promote intensive measures for facility improvement to subject toilets like in conventional market by carrying out research on the actual condition to nationwide public toilets in the first half of this year, and review a way of toilet level system for strengthening an autonomous improvement and health control by building owners.

○ In addition, it plans to solve inconvenience of the public in using toilet by expanding private open toilets such as gas station and shops in order of year (7,100 in 2007→12,000 by 2017) through reducing electricity rates and supporting toilet supplies.

□ Furthermore, MOPAS is going to develop a world-level toilet co-brand in representative of Korea together with Korea Toilet Association and related business for the purpose of growing Korean toilet industry’s competitiveness to prepare for explosive expansion of world toilet market including India and South East Asia and demand for toilet improvement from China, facing 2008 Beijing Olympic and 2010 Shanghai Expo.

□ The minister will visit the Beautiful Toilet Photo Exhibition and best products showroom after the ceremony and listen to vivid voices on the ground such as bottlenecks of related businesses.
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