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K-Administration to Create New Korean Wave Culture
Date : 2020.09.24 Read : 23848
K-Administration to Create New Korean Wave Culture
- Online Forum to Be Held to Share Cases of Korean Public Service Innovation with Countries from South East Asia, the Middle East, and other Regions -

□ The Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS) of the Republic of Korea, headed by Minister Chin Young, will host a forum to share its country’s experiences in the development of public administration.
□ MOIS has announced that it will host an online public service forum on the topic of “Cornerstones & Applications of Public Service Innovation,” from 14:00 on September 24 in Seoul, with representatives of the National Election Commission (NEC) and Korea Minting, Security, Printing & ID Card Operating Corporation (KOMSCO) also in attendance.
○ The Ministry introduced its “Cooperation Program on Public Administration” in 2016, and has since then shared Korea’s experiences in public administration development, in 40 public administration sectors, with a total of 20 countries.
○ As the world confronts the challenges posed by COVID-19, many countries have also been asking Korea to share its experiences involving its disease control and administrative systems.
□ This online forum will begin with video message from Minister of the Interior and Safety Chin Young, followed by a public administration promotion video. After the video has been shown, the forum will move on to two sessions consisting of six presentations in total – on civil registration, national ID cards and election management in the first session, and on Government 24, the Public Information Sharing System, and the Integrated Digital System for Local Governments in the second.
□ In view of the distinctive characteristics of non-face-to-face online events, MOIS has devoted extra attention to its planning of this program, and requested questions in written form in advance to promote interactive communication rather than one-sided information dissemination.
○ The first two presentation topics, civil registration and national ID cards, concern the most well-known K-Administration items, and have been requested by 10 countries including Cambodia and Honduras. Since most public services such as Government 24, election management and Hometax are provided on a civil registration basis, many countries around the world see civil registration as their top priority task and have asked for Korea’s assistance in this area.
○ Concerning election management, countries including Kyrgyzstan have already made visits to the NEC to acquire Korean election management knowhow. Russia, Myanmar, Côte d'Ivoire and other countries facing upcoming elections are also requesting that Korea share its experiences in COVID-19 control during an election.
○ With regard to Government 24, the Public Information Sharing System, and the Integrated Digital System for Local Governments, all core administrative systems for the providing of local government public services without inconvenience to citizens due to office visits or paperwork submission, 10 countries including Guatemala and Paraguay have shown keen interest.
○ Many countries participated in the pre-event discussions, including Indonesia, Cambodia, Uzbekistan and Guatemala, and asked the ministry to cover during the forum issues such as “The central government’s role in facilitating use of the integrated digital government system by all local governments,” and “Plans for encouraging the disabled, those with low incomes, and other vulnerable groups to vote.”
□ Meanwhile, in order to provide forum viewers with a visual understanding of Korea’s systems, a variety of audiovisual materials including PowerPoint slides, demo videos, and photos will be used throughout the forum.
○ For the forum’s video recordings, subtitles in English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Vietnamese will be provided, along with Vietnamese subtitles.
○ The video recordings will be uploaded to the website of MOIS in October when the subtitles are ready. For countries with limited internet access, USB drives containing the recordings will be sent via countries’ diplomatic corps in Korea and Korea’s diplomatic offices abroad.
□ “Korea’s cases have been a model for the Guatemalan government’s public administration development,” stated Guatemala Vice Minister of Home Affairs Aldo René Ordóñez Ugarte, who also expressed gratitude by noting that “While it is regrettable that the forum has to be held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I truly appreciate Korea’s sharing its experiences in various sectors.”
□ In his video remarks, Minister Chin Young said “I look forward to today’s online forum serving as an opportunity to strengthen our cooperative partnerships with countries around the world in the public service sector, and to introduce our public administration system to the world.”
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