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Vice Minister of the Interior and Safety spreads government innovation cases of the Moon Jae-in Administration to the world
Date : 2018.07.23 Read : 16869
The Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS, Minister Kim Boo-Kyum) sent the government delegation to the Czech Republic and Georgia, from July 15 to 18, with an aim to share Korea’s best practices on government innovation and join global efforts in realizing open government.

The government delegations on “Korea-EU Public Administration Cooperation” and on “The 5th Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit,” both headed by Vice Minister of the Interior and Safety Shim Bo-kyun, visited the Czech Republic on July 15-16 and Georgia on July 17-18 respectively.

On July16, the Korea-EU Public Administration Cooperation Delegation held the Korea-Czech Cooperation Forum on Public Administration in Prague, the Czech Republic.

The Public Administration Cooperation Delegation shared with the Czech government policies and good practices on 10 areas of public administration, including e-government, resident registration, cyber investigation and national statistics.

On the same day, Vice Minister Shim Bo-kyun had a bilateral meeting with Czech Deputy Minister of the Interior Jaroslave Strouhal and discussed ways to foster mutual cooperation in the field of public administration. As a follow-up to the meeting, the Czech Republic will be the first country in the EU to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Area of Public Administration with Korea.

Following the visit to the Czech Republic, Vice Minister Shim attended the 5th OGP Global Summit which takes place in Tbilisi, Georgia on July 17-19.

At the OGP Ministerial Level Steering Committee Meeting, Vice Minister introduced Korea’s policies and platforms for communication and engagement with citizens, such as “Open Communication Forum” that brings real policy changes through communication between the government and people.

And, Vice Minister shared Korea’s Government Innovation Master Plan, which is in line with core values of open government, and the Korean government’s efforts in deepening participatory democracy.

In addition, Vice Minister promoted the OGP Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting which will take place on November 5-6 to participants at the OGP Global Summit, and officially invited ministers in the region to the upcoming event.

The visit of Korea-EU Public Administration Cooperation Delegation to the Czech Republic and the participation in the OGP Global Summit will serve as a meaningful opportunity to share Korea’s leading policies on public administration and efforts to realize open government with the international community as well as learn from other countries’ best practices.
