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Online video chat service for multicultural families
Date : 2011.04.20 Read : 10607
The Ministry of Public Administration and Security has opened a new website to provide online video chat to multicultural families to aid communication with family members living in overseas.

The ministry is also providing monitors and web cameras to 365 multicultural centers to allow people without home computers a place to access the service. They will also publish a guide book on how to use the chat program.

An opening event was held for the chat service website on April 14 at the Baekhak Information Network Village in Yeoncheon County. More than 10 multicultural families attended the event, and the staff showed them how to use the service.

Minister of Public Administration and Security Maeng Hyung Kyu said that this video chat service will very useful to multicultural families who cannot visit with overseas family members often.

By Oh Jun Kyung Staff Writer

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