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MOPAS wins UN awards for public service
Date : 2011.05.04 Read : 10995
The Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS) has won two U.N. Public Service Awards in the Asia Pacific regions receiving recognition in enhancing information access for rural villages and simplifying administrative procedures.

The U.N. Public Service Awards are the "most prestigious international recognition of excellence in public service" that rewards public service institutions for their achievements that lead to a more effective and responsive public administration across the world, according to the program's official website.

The Internet Network Village (INVIL) won first place in the category of "Fostering participation in public policy decision making through innovative mechanisms". The INVIL initiative aims to reduce the urban-rural digital divide and to boost regional economy through creating 362 communities nationwide for information sharing and e-commerce transactions. The villages have attracted over 2,500 international visitors including government officials and experts from 103 countries.

Second place in the "Improving the Delivery of Public Service category" went to the "24-Hour e-services for the Public", enabling users to apply online for over 3,000 types of documents, of which 1,200 can be issued online.

MOPAS is Korea's first central government ministry to have won two U.N. Public Service Awards in the same year.
