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Check the health of your parents in rural area with a smartphone
Date : 2017.02.02 Read : 13919
Advanced ICT-based services to address various social issues, such as Smart City Service to check the health and monitor medication of parents living in rural area and a Fast Rescue System to save stranded hikers in mountainous areas, will be implemented in earnest from this year.

The Ministry of the Interior and the National Information Society Agency completed four ICT-based public service projects in 2016, and will carry out pilot services from 2017 with an aim to establish an ICT-based, advanced administrative system and to upgrade the quality of public service.

The pilot services to be launched in 2017 are Family Caregiving Service for Parents in Rural Areas, Lifesaving Rescue System for Citizens, Hazardous Import & Export Goods Safety Control System and u-Sharing Community linked to Seocho Map.

First, the Family Caregiving Service for Parents in Rural Areas is a representative Smart City Service. Through the service, parents can share their health information with their children in real time. The service is aimed at strengthening family bonds and improving health care infrastructure in rural areas.

The Lifesaving Rescue System for citizens is to provide mobile location information of stranded hikers in mountainous areas to 119 Rescue Team on real-time basis. It will help drastically shorten the rescue time and enhance the safety of citizens in daily life.

The Hazardous Import & Export Goods Safety Control System is to replace dangerous import/export goods labels with beacon. When accidents happen, information of dangerous goods including types of goods, accident response and handling guide will be sent to a smartphone, enabling prompt response to accidents.

And, the u-Sharing Community linked to Seocho Map is to provide online living information such as parcel storage, community tool bank and toy rental service run by housing management office. The service is designed to enhance resident’s convenience in daily life.

The abovementioned four pilot services will be carried out for two years. After analyzing the usage rate and user’s satisfaction, outstanding pilot services will be disseminated to other regions.

Kim Hoi-soo, Director of Regional Informatization Division of MOI, mentioned that “the Ministry will continuously develop and spread ICT-based Smart City Service based on artificial intelligence (AI) or the Internet of Things (IoT) to improve people’s lives and address new social challenges.”
