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Minister of the Interior and Safety discusses future e-government with 16 leading digital nations
Date : 2018.10.31 Read : 14689
Minister of the Interior and Safety Kim Boo Kyum attended the Tallinn Digital Summit on October 15-16 in Tallinn, Estonia as the representative of the Korean government. The summit invited the heads of governments and ministers of digital-minded countries to discuss artificial intelligence (AI), digital innovation and so forth.

When Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid and Estonian Prime Minister Juri Ratas visited Korea during the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in February this year, they invited a delegation of Korea, one of the world’s digital leaders, to the summit.

The Tallinn Digital Summit 2018 brings together leading digital countries around the world to build a prosperous and sustainable future for their people as the digital transformation is making far-reaching impact on societies, job market, businesses, education, welfare.

The summit was joined by delegates from 16 digital leaders including Demark (1st in 2018 UN e-Government Survey), Korea (3rd), the United Kingdom (4th) and Sweden (5th) as well as tech experts from the private sector including Google, McKinsey Global Institute and Boston Consulting Group.

* Participating Asian Countries: Korea (3rd), Singapore (7th), Japan (10th)

The summit was joined by delegates from 16 digital leaders including Demark (1st in 2018 UN e-Government Survey), Korea (3rd), the United Kingdom (4th) and Sweden (5th) as well as tech experts from the private sector including Google, McKinsey Global Institute and Boston Consulting Group.

Participants discussed various issues such as AI-driven government, safety and security in the age of AI and technological changes in the age of digital economy.
Minister Kim Boo Kyum shared Korea’s AI R&D strategies, cyber security and privacy protection regarding ethics of AI and Korea’s data policies related to digital economy.

During the summit, Minister Kim had bilateral meetings with the Vice President of the European Commission Andrus Ansip, U.K. Under Secretary of State at the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Lord Ashton, and Estonian Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology Rene Tammist and discussed AI strategies, policy priorities, cyber security and block chain and so on.

The Korean delegation’s participation at the Tallinn Digital Summit will serve as an opportunity to discuss digital transformation, digital economy and preparations for the AI age with the international community. It will also help the Korean government to foster multilateral cooperation with digital leaders for coping with the digital age by sharing e-government development and innovation strategies.
