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Archives are our power, the Future of Korea
Date : 2017.05.31 Read : 14682
5,000 years of history

Its beautiful nature, splendid art and culture

The nation with a noble spirit

and brilliant archival culture,

the Republic of Korea

The source that makes history and the force that starts tomorrow.

Archives are our power, the future of Korea.

Following in the footsteps of our ancestors,

who recorded and preserved the 500-year history of the Joseon Dynasty,

the National Archives of Korea manages and preserves records of Korea’s hardships and its history of development.

Our ancestors’ wisdom of keeping records safe in four different archives

is continued to this day:

from the Headquarters and the Daejeon Archives,

to the Seoul Archives, Busan Archives and the Presidential Archives in Sejong.

The four archives have been reborn into modern preservation facilities.

Moreover, the National Archives of Korea digitizes records

and opens them to the public,

making an effort for the expansion of archival culture in our daily lives.

The National Archives of Korea, with the digital records of the 21st century, is creating a new history of our humanity’s archival culture.

We are moving beyond the Republic of Korea,

and advancing our international presence.

The National Archives of Korea supports

the archives of private and regional organizations

and is expanding its global network with archival institutions worldwide

through international cooperation and exchange

By hosting international events,

and providing consultation and education support for developing countries,

it also contributes to the globalization of records management

National records are a mirror into the past and future.

They are the future’s resource of knowledge,

and the foundation of National competency.

The National Archives of Korea, hand-in-hand with our citizens,

will expand archival culture,

advance the infrastructure of digital records management,

and develop records information content

according to every changing environment;

To spread the "Korean Wave of Records"

and create a "Renaissance of Archival Culture."

The place where information is collected,

where history comes alive,

and where we can see the future:

The National Archives of Korea, together with our citizens,

will strive to become a Global Leader of Archives.
