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Government Innovation Framework 2024
Date : 2024.04.22 Read : 1293
[Government Innovation Framework 2024]

Vision: Citizen-centric government, Action-oriented government
Four principles:
-Field: Enhancing onsite public communication and incorporating citizens’ feedback
-Partnership: Breaking down silos and strengthening partnerships on addressing social issues
-Action: Breaking with convention and responding rapidly through ‘a proactive administration’
-Problem solving: Driving concrete outcomes that citizens can relate to

Problem-solving Government

1.Addressing real-life problems through onsite public communication
-Enhancing direct communication with policy recipients
-Solving issues that citizens face in their everyday lives
-Supporting to boost the economy of enterprises including SMEs
Listening to citizens’ concerns #public debates #communication channels
Supporting small enterprises #low interest rates

2.No one left behind in an administrative system
-Decreasing administrative blind spots for the vulnerable
-Identifying and avoiding more blind spots
Supporting the elderly #more jobs #health care services
Supporting foreign residents in Korea #mobile alien registration card

3.Implementing policies rapidly with no silos and through genuine cooperation
-Expanding personnel exchanges between government offices
-Designing a mission-oriented organizational framework
-Solving problems through intergovernmental collaboration and public-private partnership
Collaborating with other government offices #supporting victims #onestop solution center
Cooperating with enterprises #alerts of road flooding on a private navigation platform

4.Improving administrative efficiency with better ways of working
-Increasing work efficiency by breaking the convention
-Building a sound organizational culture
Increasing work speed #digitization of routine processes
Creating a positive work culture #survey standards of work culture

Digital Government

5.Making services more convenient and accessible
-Requiring zero(no) documents for citizens
-Providing one-stop, customized services
-Making citizens’ lives and economic activities easier
Information disclosure and data sharing #simple claims for medical expenses
Reminder of benefits #alerts of benefits #national secretary

6.Pursuing a scientific administration based on data and AI
-Making decisions using data and AI
-Improving work efficiency using AI
Data-driven ways of addressing social issues #analysis of crowd situations
Work efficiency #AI administrative secretary

Forward-thinking Government

7.Implementing customized policies for future generations including the youth
-Easing the financial burden of the youth and supporting their financial independence
-Creating preferred jobs of the youth
-Supporting healthcare of the youth
Supporting the youth to save money #better banking account for the youth
Expanding support for job searching #mobile jobcare

8.Responding to common challenges and dangers including depopulation and climate change
-Responding to depopulation and shrinking regions
-Dealing with climate change
-Mitigating emerging dangers including the next pandemic
Supporting customized development for regions
Responding to climate change #AI flood forecasting system
Attached File

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